19th Conference of the Polish Histamine Research Society

19th Conference of the Polish Histamine Research Society

“Biogenic Amines and Related Biologically Active Compounds”

Lodz, Poland
October 24-26, 2024

Official website:

Application Form:

Take part in the 19th English-speaking Conference of the Polish Histamine Research Society “Biogenic amines and related biologically active compounds”!
Our distinguished guests, world-famous experts in the above-mentioned issues,
Enzo AGOSTINELLI (La Sapienza University Rome, Italy), Tomasz BRZOZOWSKI (Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University, Cracov, Poland), Philippe DE DEURWAERDÈRE (CNRS, Bordeaux, France), Jarosław Dziadek (IBM PAS, Łódź, Poland), Madeleine ENNIS (QUB, Belfast, Wielka Brytania), Beatrice PASSANI (University of Florence, Florence, Italy), Pertti PANULA (University of Helsinki, Finland), Holger STARK (Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany), will present the latest scientific achievements in almost all fields of biomedical sciences.

Join us and share your achievements in the field of research on this extremely important family of signaling substances, which are amines and polyamines, cytokines, amino acids, cannabinoids, NO, CO, H2S and the entire arsenal of proteins accompanying them: synthesizing and degrading enzymes, receptors, transporters.

These complex systems control all life processes, and their deregulation at any level
results in disease. Therapeutic agents currently available on the market try to restore
homeostasis in the body, but this is not always successful. Therefore, it is extremely
important to deepen knowledge about amines, as well as their biologically active
relatives, in physiology and in the mechanisms of diseases. This opens the possibility of synthesizing new drugs and applying new treatment strategies.

Conference date and venue:

24-26 OCTOBER 2024, the Ambasador Centrum HOTEL, Pilsudskiego 29, Lodz, Poland

Honorary Patrons of the Conference
The Histamine Research Society Europe, the Polish Society of Gastroenterology,
the Polish Neurological Society, the Polish Physiological Society, Rector of the
Medical University of Lodz, Mayor of the city of Lodz

Registration 24.10.24 godz, 14:00 – 18:00
Scientific Programme end 26.10.24 godz, 15:00 (vide programme outline)

ABSTRACT should be mailed by 20 September to ptbh2024@gmail.com

Conference fee: 460 Euro
It covers:
Conference materials, coffee breaks meals (2 lunches and 2 dinners)
cultural events (opera or operetta or philharmonic music, or mini-recital) and Hotel Accommodation (3 nights)

Payment should be transferred to a bank account
Acc holder: Polskie Towarzystwo Badan nad Histamina
37 1020 3352 0000 1302 0076 0140

ABSTRACT guidelines

To submit your presentation, please write a summary (abstract) in English
To create an abstract form, follow these guidelines:

  • Use A4 paper with 2.5cm margins
  • Use ARIAL 12 font
  • Include a title (in capitals)
  • The name of author/s and their affiliation/s (italic)
  • Leave an empty line and then include the text body, which should be divided into the following sections: aim, materials & methods, results, and conclusion/s
  • Include 2-3 references
  • Try to limit the text to 3000 characters

Please attach the abstract in .doc or .docx format to your email message and send it
to the following address: ptbh2024@gmail.com ASAP

You have the option to present your data in either of the following formats:

  1. A standard 20-minute oral presentation, including time for questions and answers.
  2. A shorter 10-minute oral presentation, also including time for questions and
    answers. This format has replaced the previously mentioned flash and poster
    presentations in response to the call to protect nature.

The Organising and Scientific Committee

Main Board of the Polish Histamine Research Society:
Wiesława Agnieszka Fogel – Institute of Medical Biology Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz
Magdalena Kurnik-Łucka –Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University Krakow
Barbara Skrzydło-Radomańska –Medical University of Lublin
Jerzy Jochem –Medical University of Silesia, Katowice
Dariusz Szukiewicz – Medical University of Warsaw
Dariusz Matosiuk – Medical University of Lublin
Andrzej Pilc – Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracov